
Suryanamaskar is a very good exercise that builds body flexibility as well as strength if required. It is also very effective in preventing and reversing Sarcopenia, which is aging related muscle loss.

One can do 4 rounds in one session per day to start with (best on empty stomach, like in the morning or an hour before lunch) and then add 2 further rounds every week. Going up to 10 rounds is good for building body flexibility. Going up to 20 repetitions and more, builds strength and muscles.

There is a breathing sequence that goes with every position and it is very simple to remember because it is natural. Whenever the abdomen or chest expands or stretches, breathe in and whenever the  abdomen or chest contracts, breathe out.

But first, please cure any spine or slipped disc related problems as advised in my book “Become Healthy or Extinct”.


7 Responses to SuryaNamaskar

  1. Anneka says:

    For me. It’s the best way to start my day.

  2. Anneka Maganbeharee says:

    Dear Darryl, I felt blessed meeting you in Goa. I’ve read your book and I’m spreading the word. Your book is totally amazing and true.

  3. Can Suryanamaskar be done at any age say 55 and above? Otherwise there is no major problem with spine etc.

  4. Tony says:

    Surya Namskar is good! But no exercise or yoga can remove infections like ailments ! Can you please suggest some methods or food etc. to get rid of deep rooted infections? As such you’re doing eye opening work which is helpful for many in general! Thanks, Tony!

  5. Kaushik says:

    Hi Darryl, Thank you for writing this wonderful book!! It would be great if you could ensure that the hard copy of the book is available on amazon. This’ll give it more visibility. In terms of content, this is one of the finest books (on health/nutrition), I have read. This needs to be read by more people so that they are benefitted. God bless you for the wonderful job that you are doing. Cheers!

  6. YOGESH KANHED says:

    Your book is very good. I shared it with many people. Hope they will follow and benefit from it. My family members think I got insane since I completely changed my regular diet. I Stopped eating, sugar, sea salt, milk, wheat, cooked food. Hope positive results will show up.

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